MHMA 2018 Sponsorship Programs

MHMA currently has two levels for our sponsorship programs.

Silver sponsorship:

  • Sponsorship fee: $1,200
  • Access to MHMA events
  • Setup table and / or banner

Gold sponsorship:

  • Sponsorship fee: $2,000
  • Access to MHMA events
  • Setup table and / or banner
  • Post on community Facebook page*
  • Introductory email to community members*
  • Combined sponsor emails (limited in number to avoid being considered as spam)
  • Two additional individual emails, sharing a promotion or re-introduction as suited

Each sponsorship program runs for a period of 12 months from the time of sign-up. Sponsorship is limited to 3 sponsor per business category 3

* MHMA will limit the overall messages, adverts, posts to avoid spamming members, ensuring the
program works for both community members and sponsors.



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